
The place to
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goods & services for kids of all ages
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A member can see his/her sales, purchases, conversations with other members, billing statements and profile from 'my Dashboard'.
my Dashboard has 4 sections:
Details of subsections in each of the sections follow:

Buyer Area

Items Bidding on: shows active auctions that member is currently bidding on. The status of bid indicates whether the bidder is currently winning the auction or not. If the reserve is not met for an auction with reserve price, it will be indicated here. Bidder can bid again or retract a winning bid from this page.

Items Bought/Won: shows items that member bought in Fixed Price Sales, or in Auctions with 'Buy this Item' or won in Auctions. Auctions that member bid on but did not win or where reserve price was not met show in 'Items Didn't Win' page. Refused or rejected transactions will also show in 'Items Didn't Win' page. Winning bidders have the right to refuse/reject partial quantities. Click on 'See Invoice' to see details. You can review invoice or leave feedback for your trading partner from here. The feedback that you have left and/or received for your transaction(s) is indicated by [+] for positive, [+/-] for neutral and [-] for negative feedback.

Items Didn't Win: shows items that member bid on but did not win or reserve price was not met and invalid transactions with partial quantities.

Offers Made: shows all cash and exchange offers that buyer made to sellers for their listings. Offers in 'Pending' status are offers for which the buyer or his/her trading partner have not made any decision. The offers marked 'New!' have updates that have not been reviewed.

Offers Accepted: shows all offers buyer made that have been accepted by the buyer and his/her trading partner(s). The buyer is obligated to complete underlying transactions in this list. You can review invoice or leave feedback for your trading partner from here. The feedback that you have left and/or received for your transaction(s) is indicated by [+] for positive, [+/-] for neutral and [-] for negative feedback.

Offers Invalid: shows all offers made that have either been rejected/withdrawn by a member or his/her trading partners, or expired, or become invalid. These offers can NOT be negotiated further.

Items Tracking: allows you to monitor the latest status of the items you are tracking. When you are ready to purchase, go to the listing details from here. An item that you are tracking will be automatically removed after 60 days since you started tracking it or 15 days after it has ended, whichever comes first. You can manually remove an item by clicking on 'Remove' next to it.

Svc./Biz. Saved: allows you to revisit the service/business listing you have saved. A listing that you have saved will be automatically removed after 60 days since you saved it or 15 days after it has ended, whichever comes first. You can manually remove a listing by clicking on 'Remove' next to it.

Seller Area

Items Selling: shows all currently public or scheduled to go public items of all types of sale. Items that have ended or sold all units are not listed here. You can revise and end your listings from here.

Svc./Biz. Listed: shows all services/businesses listed by you. This includes all public, scheduled to go public, ended and expired listings. You can revise current listings and relist expired/ended listings from here. See Renew Listing.

Items Sold: shows all items that have sold in Fixed Price Sales, Auctions or Auctions with 'Buy this Item' listings. Auctions where reserve price was not met show in 'Items Not Sold' page. Winning bidders have the right to refuse/reject partial quantities. You can send/review invoice or leave feedback for your trading partner from here. The feedback that you have left and/or received for your transaction(s) is indicated by [+] for positive, [+/-] for neutral and [-] for negative feedback. A listing that has expired or ended within the last 180 days can be relisted or used to list a similar item from here. See Relist/Sell Similar Item.

Items Not Sold: shows all items that have ended and did not sell and/or did not receive any offers. Auctions for which reserve price was not met and that did not sell any units via 'Buy this item' are listed here. A listing that has expired or ended within the last 180 days can be relisted or used to list a similar item from here.

Offers Received: shows all cash and exchange offers received for listings. Offers in 'Pending' status are offers for which the seller or his/her trading partner have not made any decision. The offers marked 'New!' are either new offers or offers with updates that have not been reviewed. A listing that has expired or ended within the last 180 days can be relisted or used to list a similar item from here.

Offers Accepted: shows all offers a seller received that have been accepted by the seller and his/her trading partner(s). The seller is obligated to complete underlying transactions in this list. You can send/review invoice or leave feedback for your trading partner from here. The feedback that you have left and/or received for your transaction(s) is indicated by [+] for positive, [+/-] for neutral and [-] for negative feedback. A listing that has expired or ended within the last 180 days can be relisted or used to list a similar item from here.

Offers Invalid: shows all offers a seller received that have either been rejected/withdrawn by a member or his/her trading partners, or expired, or become invalid. These offers can NOT be negotiated further. A listing that has expired or ended within the last 180 days can be relisted or used to list a similar item from here.


my Conversations: shows all conversations of a member that have updates within last 60 days. The conversations marked 'New!' are either new conversations or conversations with updates that have not been reviewed. The number enclosed in square brackets [] indicates total number of messages in the conversation.

Messages sent: shows all conversations that a member participated in by sending at least one message and that have updates within last 60 days. The number enclosed in square brackets [] indicates total number of messages in the conversation.

my Account

Profile: a member can review and edit his/her profile from here. Billing & shipping information is extremely important part of a member's profile and should be maintained up-to-date. To edit an element of the profile, click on 'Edit' next to it. This information is not visible to any other member. KidMax takes privacy of it's members information very seriously. Please review our Privacy & Security Policy.

Billing: a member can view his/her billing statements/invoices for up to last 12 statements from here. Billing statements/invoices are generated once a month on a day determined by member's profile. You can view the date statement was generated, amount owed and the status of your statement (Not charged / Paid / Charge failed) for each statement. The statement details or the billing line items can be seen by clicking on a 'See details' next to a particular statement. The billing activity that has not been invoiced (unbilled activity) can be reviewed by clicking on 'See unbilled activity' from billing statements page.

See also
Types of Sale
Product/Item Status
Service/Business Status
Relist/Sell Similar Item
Renew Listing
Transaction Status
Managing your profile
Billing Statements
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