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Learning How to Learn   [Discuss this..]
Learning is a skill that anyone can master. By mastering this skill, you can improve many areas of your life tremendously. All parents must watch this wonderful talk by Dr. Barbara Oakley and help their kids learn how to learn.
  Relevant to: Everyone
TLC Life Essentials: Costs of Having a Baby   [Discuss this..]
It's expensive to have a baby.
Here are some tips on financial planning for your family on The Learning Channel's "TLC Life Essentials".
  Relevant to: Expecting and new parents
Vedic Mathematics for Kids   [Discuss this..]
Vedic Mathematics is a system of mathematics consisting of a number of readily memorized patterns that allow one to perform arithmetic computations very quickly. The calculation strategies provided by Vedic mathematics are creative and useful, and can be applied in a number of ways to calculation methods in arithmetic and algebra. Learning Vedic Mathematics can not only enable kids to do arithmetic calculations quickly, but also help them in sharpening their minds.
  Relevant to: Parents of school going kids
Just tell them to keep up with the Buffetts   [Discuss this..]
What should we tell our kids as far as the temptation to “keep up with the Joneses”? The best financial minds advise: Just tell them to keep up with the Buffetts. The best way to tell them is to practice it yourself first.
  Relevant to: Parents and kids of all ages
Don't Be Interesting - Be Interested   [Discuss this..]
This simple rule can have profound implication on kids. It can help them make friends, learn from others and develop good character and leadership qualities.
  Relevant to: Parents and kids
What is The Power of Positive Thinking?   [Discuss this..]
How parents can explain to their kids what the power of positive thinking is.
  Relevant to: Parents and kids
Recommended informational website: is part of Nemours Foundation and has reliable information about health, behavior, and development of kids. It has practical parenting information and news for parents, homework help and medical information and advice for kids. KidMax recommends for parents and kids.
  Relevant to: Parents, pre-teen kids and teenagers
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