User Rating | go to Help:Contents  |
This article describes KidMax user/member rating. To learn about service/business listing rating, click here. |
What is a user/member rating on KidMax? |
A member's rating on KidMax serves as his/her reputation and helps KidMax community to know more about the member. Rating consists mainly of Feedback Score & Reliability calculated using feedback received by him/her from trading partners for transactions completed over lifetime of membership. A higher feedback score means that more members had positive transaction experience with the member. A higher reliability (maximum 100%) means that more reliable or trustworthy a member is based on his/her past transactions. |
How is Feedback Score & Reliability calculated? Trading partners on KidMax rate each other after completing a transaction. A transaction can be rated as Positive ( ), Neutral ( ) or Negative ( ). |
Feedback score is an integer calculated using formula: Feedback Score = unique (positive - negative) feedback |
Reliability is expressed as percentage (maximum 100%) calculated using formula: Reliability = (unique positive feedback / (unique positive + negative feedback)) x 100 |
In these calculations, the meaning of unique is that multiple feedback of one type (positive / negative) from a member is counted as one. If Andy rates 2 (or more) transactions with Scott as positive, the unique positive feedback received by Scott from Andy is 1. This is illustrated further with the help of examples. |
Example 1: John & Bryce, who had never done any transactions with each other, complete 2 transactions with each other and rate both the transactions as positive. This will give them 1 unique positive feedback from each other. Hence, after completing these 2 transactions, their feedback score will increase by 1. Their reliability will be recalculated by adding 1 positive feedback. This will have a positive impact on their reliability. A positive feedback left by them for each other will have no impact on their feedback scores or reliability because it will no longer be unique. |
Example 2: Kathy & Jason, who had never done any transactions with each other, complete 2 transactions with each other and rate one transaction as positive and the other one negative for each other. This will give them 1 unique positive feedback and 1 unique negative feedback from each other. After completing these 2 transactions, their feedback score will be unchanged. Their reliability will be recalculated using the one unique positive and one unique negative feedback. Note that feedback left by them for each other for future transactions will not change their feedback scores or reliability because it will no longer be unique. |
Other elements of a member's rating on KidMax |
Total unique positive and total unique negative feedback count are shown as part of member's rating. |
Rating of a member also shows the total positive, neutral and negative feedback count. Total positive and total negative feedback count can be same as or larger than the total unique positive and total unique negative feedback count respectively. In example 1 above, John's & Bryce's total positive feedback count will increase by 2 and their total unique positive feedback count will increase by 1. In example 2, Kathy's and Jason's total positive, total unique positive, total negative and total unique negative feedback count will increase by 1. |
If a member has mutually withdrawn feedback for any transactions, it will be part of his/her rating. A mutually withdrawn feedback reverses any negative impact the feedback had on trading partners' feedback score and reliability. However, it becomes a permanent part of his/her rating. |
A member's recent feedback is an important part of rating. This helps in knowing what other members think of the member based on transactions completed in last month, 6 months and 12 months. An example is shown here: |
Recent feedback:
Past Month |
Past 6 Months |
Past 12 Months |
Positive |
10 |
65 |
155 |
Neutral |
1 |
0 |
2 |
Negative |
0 |
0 |
1 |
You can also see the date when the member joined KidMax, country specified on the address and the count of bids retracted by the member, if any. |
Comments: Short comments (not exceeding 80 words) left by trading partners of a member can be reviewed to know what they felt about their transaction(s) with the member. Also, comments left by the member for his/her trading partners can be reviewed. Up to last 500 feedback and comments are shown as part of rating. |
See also |
Feedback & Rating |
User Feedback |
Service/Business Rating |
Service/Business Feedback