Product/Item Listing Details | go to Help:Contents  |
This article describes product/item listing details on KidMax. To learn about service/business listing details, click here. |
A Product/Item listing on KidMax has following sections: |
Sale Details: shows current bid/price and 'Buy this item!' price (if specified) for auctions, sale price for fixed price sales, estimated value of the item and types of offers seller is accepting for exchange offers. This section also shows listing end time, time left and buyer interest history in the listing. |
Know the Seller: It is important to know the seller before intending to purchase from or make an offer to him/her. Seller rating, reliability and feedback are powerful gauges that serve this purpose for KidMax community. You can review seller's detailed rating and feedback from here. You can also ask seller a question from this section. |
Item Details: This section shows type of sale, quantity listed, listing start time, duration, item location, category & sub-category, condition and ages of kids for whom this item is meant. This section also shows manufacturer (mfg.), brand or product line of the item, Universal Product Code (UPC) and/or International Standard Book Number (ISBN), if specified for the listing. If the seller has selected that the item is suitable for a specific gender or specified the item as unisex/neutral, it is shown here as well. For auctions, starting bid price is shown in this section. |
Track this Item: If you are not ready to purchase the item yet, but are interested in it, you can add the item to the list of items you are tracking from here. Tracking allows you to monitor the latest status of or keep an eye on the item from 'my Dashboard (Buyer Area) > Items Tracking'. When you are ready to purchase, go to the listing details. Note that you can track currently active items only that are not listed by you. |
Shipping/Delivery Details: A seller determines domestic and international regions where he/she is willing to ship/deliver the item. The seller might decide to allow local pickup of the item besides shipping it or not to ship the item at all and make it available only for local pickup or the item may not need shipping at all. Shipping/delivery details section contains information on what the seller is open to do for shipping/delivering. |
Shipping & Handling Charges: If the seller is willing to ship the item in a listing, shipping & handling (and insurance) charges could be different for domestic and international shipments. Charges can also be specified to be based on destination. All shipping & handling charges are borne by the trading partner of the seller. |
Payment methods accepted: shows various ways in which the trading partner of the seller can pay for the item. |
Item Description & Pictures: shows detailed description and pictures of the item in the listing. Interested members are strongly advised to read this section extremely carefully before intending to make a purchase or make an offer to the seller. |
You can report an inappropriate listing by clicking on 'Report inappropriate listing' on top right corner of this section. Write to us in as much detail as you can. We make every effort to respond to your concern within 12 hours. |
I want this!: After you have reviewed the listing carefully, use this section to buy the item for fixed price sales or auctions with 'Buy this item', make a bid in an auction or make an offer for listings accepting exchange offers. You will have to login to use this. |
See also |
Types of Sale |
How to Sell? |
User Rating |
Service/Business Details |
External links |
Wikipedia article on International Standard Book Number (ISBN) |
Wikipedia article on Universal Product Code (UPC)